Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Free and Great Software continued!

I meant to write more on my webpage but I ran out of space on my very first webpage. I had no room on page 1 and I didn't know how to make page 2 so here I am making my first weblog. Cool, two firsts in 2 days.
I wanted to write about another program, YahooPops this I use to get my mail from Yahoo. I only had to use my mail program(Pegasus-free, reliable, small, doesn't usually get viruses) until Yahoo decided to make it a pay service. I have had this account since their service came into being. Oh well it was a great service while it lasted. It remains a good service, but no pop3 without dollars paid. However my new email is another freebie from Yahoo in Oz and it has pop3.
The place where I got YahooPops is Sourceforge another great place for free software. Sourceforge has free software, usually copylefted. The free software philosophy sits well with me.
There is very little commercial, as in bought, software on my computer. If it is commercial it came with the computer, new hardware or magazine disks, eg., Win98, Win XP, scanner software. Magazine disks provide lots of commercial software with free rego. Often as a leg in to get people to buy new software. Consequently most of my commercial software is often the last but one version. OTOH I got Quicken years ago for free off a mag. I don't need more than that program provides. Sometimes software companies offer a freebie or a paid version of their software. Trillian for example, have a multi client IM program in free and paid versions. The freebie is excellent, the paid version doesn't offer enough more to convince me I need to buy it. Hard to better excellent. If Trillian put up a paypal donation link I will donate but not $30(In Oz that works out closer to $60 than $30), like I said, Trillian is excellent. There are a bunch of other very good to excellent free IM programs too. I am sure there are review pages for them all over the net.

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