My webpage which points here I can no longer update. Since then I have changed my full time browser to Firefox. I use an extension with it called Tabbrowser Extensions, which adds more functions for the tabs. There are over a hundred other extensions to add to it giving many more functions but I use other programs instead of having them as part of my browser. If Firefox is used there are seldom bits of malware dropped into the computer. Occasionally I go back to Myie2(released as Maxthon now) if I need to use activex which isn't in Firefox.
Also, the antivirus, anti trojan, anti spyware programs I recommended need to be updated regularly. Adaware has a new program for home users. Spybot is now version 1.3. Spywareblaster is rewritten. A2 free has a new edition. I need to visit the home page regularly to make sure I have the latest program. They all regularly update the malware programs for which they are looking, so to stay reasonably safe I need to hit the update button in each program before I scan for malware. When I find no more updates it is probably because the program has been changed. (If unsure of how to use the programs read the help file.)
Lots of these programs have a switch to turn on auto updating, so turn it on if it exists.
A long time ago I bought a cd burner and got nero version 5 for free. However Nero haven't let me update for free forever. I found a very good freeware program called CDBurner XP Pro. Not quite up to Nero yet but getting closer with each release. I have used it with my dvd burner to back up my hard drive and I regularly burn isos with it. It is very good.
Although I love Pegasus mail I am using Mozilla Thunderbird at present because I am having trouble getting Pegasus to handle spam well enough. I may stay with Thunderbird as it is good enough with Spam but I want to go back to Pegasus. I have been advised to add programs to help Pegasus like mailwasher but I want to run one program for mail not a bunch. So until I can get Pegasus spam handling up to Thunderbird's standard I will use Thunderbird. Years ago the browsers in use were Mosaic and Netscape. I was a Netscape user. It's cool to go back to netscape via Firefox and Thunderbird. Apparently some government body in the USA has recommended that Internet Explorer no longer be used as it's a security risk. Another good reason to go Firefox.