Friday, May 27, 2005

Goodbye Mepis, Hello Kubuntu.

I have stopped playing with mepis now and am now trying to use Kubuntu. It is free, now and forever. K/Ubuntu is a community project not a one man show. I think some of the debian guys and gals are part of both distributions so lots of debian expertise seems to be on board which is good for everyone who wants to use a debian distro. OTOH Knoppix is still a cool distribution. If I could have got that to update easily (to unstable) I would have used knoppix. I upgraded my Kubuntu to breezy and lost almost everything. I had to reinstall almost every gui program. It is now starting to look like kubuntu hoary did before I futzed around with it. My move to linux is taking longer than I wished. Some of the programs I use don't have a linux equivalent. I wanted to use wine so I could use my legacy stuff but it seems I may have to buy Win4lin to get compatibility without hassles. But, being a miser I will probably keep on trying to get wine working.

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